David Hitt

15920 Vose St, Van Nuys, CA 91406

Note: This property is not currently for sale or for rent on Zillow. The description and property data below may’ve been provided by a third party, the homeowner or public records.

WOW! 4 Bedroom, 3 Baths with Large back yard call Apple, manager here (661) 607-3815 this 2 story newly painted has Tile throughout with vaulted ceilings. Kitchen has lots of upgraded tile counters, extra-large sinks, and new dishwasher. Sundeck in Living Room, Master Bathroom has tiled sunken Jacuzzi with walk in closets. Air Conditioning, 2 car Garage with Laundry hook-ups. Large back yard with orange trees. If you need space, this is it.

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